free 24/7 online tutoring
Did you know that as a curriculum enrolled student at Central Carolina Community College, you have access to free 24/7 online tutoring? Upswing provides real-time online tutoring for a variety of courses!
How to
To get started, visit Central Carolina Community College's Upswing portal:
- Visit:
- Click the "New User" registration and enter your 澳门黄金城赌城 Cougarmail address. Click on the "Submit" button. Upswing will send you an email with a unique link that will help you create your password.
- Upon setting your password and after logging in, you will be taken to an introductory page.
- Use the search bar to search for a subject or course.
- Click on the "Schedule Session" button to schedule a session!
- Check your Cougarmail for confirmation of your appointment. Upswing will also send another email reminder to you an hour before the session is scheduled to start.
If you have questions or need further assistance, please contact the Academic Assistance Center at (919) 718-7361.